Tip Top Flooring

Exotic hardwood flooring makes your home bothmore appealing and more valuable, and it is being installed more frequently than ever.  There are some interesting trends in exotic hardwood flooring that are worth looking into:

  • Wider Boards
  • Exotic hardwood flooring
  • Reclaimed Flooring
  • Distressed Finishes
  • Richer colors

Wider Boards

Flooring installed in the 50’s was commonly 2 ¼ inches wide.  Today that width is hardly used with 3 ½ inches much more common and even wider boards frequently installed. Many homeowners trying to capture the feel of historic wooden flooring would be surprised to find out that a couple of centuries ago narrower boards were considered more elegant and cost more than wide boards.  Today that is just the opposite.  In addition to being attractive, wide board flooring will help make your rooms look larger.

Exotic Hardwood Flooring

As many more sustainable exotic wood species come to the market, the old standbys of Oak and Maple are not installed as often.  Exotic hardwood flooring generally has a more vibrant tone and is usually more durable.  Brazilian Cherry is a favorite because of the deep, rich shades in the wood, colors that make your rooms stand out.

Reclaimed Flooring

A wonderful alternative in today’s world is reclaimed flooring, often from commercial or industrial buildings where very durable flooring was installed.  It is consistent with a growing concern about sustainable building practices.  Using materials that have been use in a prior building reduces the demands on our forests and provides some very attractive patterns. Reclaimed hickory has both a visually attractive grain pattern and wider board widths.  This flooring can have an appealing distress pattern, quite similar to imported exotic hardwood flooring. For all consumers interested in a more green approach to building or renovating their home, reclaimed flooring can be an appealing approach.

Distressed Finishes

Some homeowners find a distressed surface on new flooring to have the appealing appearance common to exotic hardwood flooring.  A combination of vivid grain patterns and distressed finishes are becoming more common.

Richer Colors

Exotic hardwood flooring includes many species of wood coming from the rain forest areas of the world.  They are durable, with both deep and rich coloring and striking grain patterns that will make a decorating statement in your home.

Exotic hardwood flooring adds beauty and value to your home, and can be installed by the average DIY homeowner.